Dream Strings

Delicate, dreamy threads that each of us - all of us - weave together to become our reality. These are baby steps we take to make our dreams come true...sending the email query, printing the photographs we hope to exhibit, or breaking ground on a replica of a sharecropper shack in Clarksdale, MS.

The tapestry of our dream life is woven with Dream Strings.

~ Q U O T E S ~

What is not started today is never finished tomorrow. Goethe

The only joy in the world is to begin. Pavese

I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible. Oprah

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"Read & learn, & there is so much to learn."

As said by my re-discovered friend, Irene.

We had a laid-off-reunion of Goldsmith's advertising people in May. Irene had been an illustrastor for years with Goldsmith's being her last permanent gig, which ended in 1988.

One of my favorite memories is when all the artists and copywriters collaborated on a full page ad: Celebrate '88. Words that rhymed with "eight" were strung together to form the numbers. We were all threatened with bodily harm should we slip in any nasty words (and just think for a moment how many there are!!) into the copy!

Irene had a show at the Botanic Gardens this past spring, showing her fashion illustrations through the years. She had worked in New York, her hometown, as well as for Memphis department stores for many years. The girls and I went, and they listened to me reminisce. I'm sure they were thrilled...I called Irene to let her know about our reunion, and tell her how much we had enjoyed her exhibit.

Fashion illustration is such a lost art, and Irene's art captured the trends of the times beautifully, probably convincing legions of shoppers to buy the styles she was drawing.

She wasn't able to attend our get-together, but she asked me to meet her for lunch a few weeks later. And gave to me this treasure. I was stunned. Speechless. And teary.

We've corresponded the old fashioned way, yet another lost art, since we had lunch. Her latest letter ended with "Read & learn, & there is so much to learn."

Thanks, in part, to Irene, for helping me to learn that prickly exteriors are often worth penetrating. (I'm reminded of the adage: what you resist, persists....) I've used that lesson often over these 20 years, however not nearly often enough, and I am so very grateful for the artful treasure she shared with my girls and me.

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