Dream Strings

Delicate, dreamy threads that each of us - all of us - weave together to become our reality. These are baby steps we take to make our dreams come true...sending the email query, printing the photographs we hope to exhibit, or breaking ground on a replica of a sharecropper shack in Clarksdale, MS.

The tapestry of our dream life is woven with Dream Strings.

~ Q U O T E S ~

What is not started today is never finished tomorrow. Goethe

The only joy in the world is to begin. Pavese

I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible. Oprah

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Flip Flop Lesson

Theresa sends out periodic updates regarding her condition.
This is what she wrote this week:

"We have all heard of a 'light bulb moment.' My moment compares to one of the new florescent light bulbs. You know when you flip the switch, it starts out slow and builds to its full intensity, well my understanding built much in the same way. In late September, I went to a craft show and saw these really cute flip flops. I really wanted these shoes, but didn't buy them. I thought the decision out and decided that it was getting colder, I wouldn't have much time to wear them and I might not be around in the Spring when the weather turned warm. After leaving the show, I kept thinking about the shoes and wishing I had bought them, but it was a craft show and I thought the opportunity was missed and I would just have to live with my decision. Silly me thinking I know what the future holds! October rolled around and my dear brother David and sister-in-law Michelle bought me the flip flops for my birthday. The weather has been wonderfully warm and I have worn these shoes several times and enjoyed every moment of wearing them. I've learned to seize the moment and enjoy life's little pleasures.
Here's wishing you a lifetime of cute flip flops!"

I am a huge flip flop fan, but I've never thought of them as having a spirit-filled lesson. And as Theresa said - silly me.

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