Dream Strings

Delicate, dreamy threads that each of us - all of us - weave together to become our reality. These are baby steps we take to make our dreams come true...sending the email query, printing the photographs we hope to exhibit, or breaking ground on a replica of a sharecropper shack in Clarksdale, MS.

The tapestry of our dream life is woven with Dream Strings.

~ Q U O T E S ~

What is not started today is never finished tomorrow. Goethe

The only joy in the world is to begin. Pavese

I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible. Oprah

Thursday, December 11, 2008


It is that time of year. We all have too many to do's, should do's, have to do's, and if we can fit it in, want to do's. This mindset of to do's can make us frantic, even crazy.
And that is o.k., but the difference comes in how we go through each moment of the craziness. Do we enjoy it? Yes, the grocery is crowded, but you may run into a friend from a past life. Yes, the stores are busy, but at least you have the ability to be there, with money for gifts. The parking spot close to the door? Forget about it and enjoy the little walk.
Obligations must be fulfilled. But try to choose the obligations that fulfill you, and as for the other ones, smile and make merry regardless.
Center yourself and see the miracles of the season. They aren't "out there," perfection as depicted on the pages of a magazine, somewhere else just beyond our grasp. Focus on giving, not all the to do's. Remember to make the memories. These are the lessons I'm needing to hear, as I have the tree, but no lights or ornaments. Red and green plastic storage bins are scattered through the den and dining room, the contents waiting to be dispersed to their annual Christmas positions. I'm trying to end the year with the idea in 29gifts.org - several days I've forgotten to give. Perfection vs. pleasure. So many to do's, and the clock is ticking....so I'll try to remember:
The miracles are here all the time, if I choose to see them.

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