Dream Strings

Delicate, dreamy threads that each of us - all of us - weave together to become our reality. These are baby steps we take to make our dreams come true...sending the email query, printing the photographs we hope to exhibit, or breaking ground on a replica of a sharecropper shack in Clarksdale, MS.

The tapestry of our dream life is woven with Dream Strings.

~ Q U O T E S ~

What is not started today is never finished tomorrow. Goethe

The only joy in the world is to begin. Pavese

I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible. Oprah

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

so I begin~

This blog writing is great fun, a great way to keep in contact and also a creative outlet that I enjoy - this will help serve to make me accountable. Please feel free to comment!

I am revisiting a favorite, well-worn book: Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach. It served me well through many changes and inspirations, evidenced by the numerous highlights and margin notes. This seems like the perfect time to begin writing, again, and posting to this blog because she notes in the September 1 entry that "Since ancient times, September has been viewed as the beginning of the new year, a time for reflection and resolution....September resolutions are about authentic wants."

September 15: "Authentic success is not about accumulating but letting go, because all you have is all you need." This has been a part of my journey for 2008: to buy nothing for me. (I'll also post my essay regarding this, titled Vintage Coats & Rainbows.)

I have all that I need. And I need to appreciate it all, through being not doing, through reflection not motion, through listening to the leaves change.

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